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6 Ways to Recover From Stress

As someone who really struggled with stress management, I know the impact that it can have on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic body. In this blog, I share a quick guide for you on ways to recover from stress so you can live life mindfully and peacefully.

Stress is a lot like food, not having any at all is bad for us and too much can make you sick. There are two types of stress: Good stress = eustress Bad stress = distress We tend to associate stress with distress but stress can be positive. It is important to understand how and why our bodies respond to stress. Our eyes and ears send information to the amygdala, the emotion centre of the brain that classifies objects or events as a threat (deadline) or not (a beautiful flower). If it is determined to be a threat, the amygdala sends a distress signal to another structure in the brain called hypothalamus which regulates our circadian rhythms. It activates the automatic nervous system (ANS) which controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, liver, digestive tract, lungs. The ANS is divided into two systems, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. When triggers arise, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) signals the fight or flight response, which mobilizes you to take action and avoid danger. The issue is that your body doesn’t know the difference between a bear chasing you and work or life related anxiety. Your body’s stress response is perfectly healthy when there’s a real emergency (like a bear chase), but if your body is constantly getting stress signals for everyday issues, you’ll burn out over time.

Ask yourself, when do you experience this pressure in your days. What causes you stress? Can you change your experience or perception of them? Is it something that you can control? If it is something you can control, what is one small thing that you could do about it?

Stress has a huge impact on your immune system. When you're stressed, the immune system's ability to fight off antigens is reduced. It is so important to find ways to manage your stress.

Our bodies can't seem to differentiate between an incoming email or text and a bear approaching you in the woods. We have a lot going on in our world right now that could cause you a lot stress, COVID, not enough money coming in to pay the bills, losing your job, not being able to see your family or friends.

Stress is a normal reaction to exciting events like falling in love, getting a new job, or buying a home. Stress is also a hardwired survival technique built into your body as a means of protection.

With that all being said, here are 6 ways to recover from stress and feel less fatigue:

1. Movement

Rhythmic repeated motion like walking, hiking, running, cycling can relieve tension, improve circulation and concentration.

2. Nature

Get outside! Find a spot out in the middle of the forest and forest bath. Studies have shown that being out in nature impacts your health and reduces stress. It lowers blood pressure, strengthens your immune system, releases tension and boosts your mood.

3. Yoga

Decreases stress and anxiety, increases energy and supports the immune system.

4. Belief/Perspective

Believe that you are strong and resourceful! Don't give in to negative self talk. If you withdraw, deny the problem, dissociate, you'll feel hopeless. Find the courage to understand your thoughts and feelings and take steps to make a change. If there are things that you cannot control, how can you change how you respond to the situation.

5. Deep Breathing

Deep breathing impacts the body's ability to deal with stress. Star small by applying three deep breaths each time you sit down at your desk, at lunch, and so on.

6. Sleep

We all know the importance of sleep, if you don't, you can check out this post where I go in depth about sleep. Not only will focusing on your quality and quantity of sleep support you, creating time and space for conscious rest is key!

When it comes to recovering from stress, it is important to remember that you have to be consistent and have a practice to change the response you have to stress. Know that healing takes time. Be patient with yourself on your journey! If you need more support with managing stress, book a clarity call with me and we can create a plan on how to manage or even reduce your stress.


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